Friday 10 June 2016


I think I'm hardly making any progress. Most people don't like me. Others have already identified me as good for nothing. I have always believed that I'm upto no good. I guess over the last 8 years people have started sharing my opinion about myself. 

I did excise a mucocoele from the inner aspect of the lower lip of a middle aged man day before yesterday and repaired the wound to the satisfaction of one of my seniors. I would like to remember it as the first surgery I've performed thus far. 

Today, I removed a fish bone from the mouth of an adult female. It was a fairly easy task. Let's see what else lies in store. 

As far as I understand the situation, the honeymoon period is about to end and the friendly advice of seniors may soon be replaced by angry rebukes. If there's one thing I have been exposed to most frequently over the last 8 years, it's the rebukes. Then again, one of our superiors put it in a highly memorable fashion, "The day someone stops rebuking you, is the day they've given up on you." I might just turn into a masochist at the end of these 3 years. 

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